Aerating Zoysia

Zoysia grass tends to thatch quite easily. Always be on the lookout for the need to aerate your lawn, so that the grass surface is still in contact with healthy nutrients in the dirt below.  It’s a popular choice for lawns in warm climates. It can withstand the sun and heat, making it a tough and strong grass. However, because it is so hardy, it can be difficult to maintain if not properly cared for. But with proper care Zoysia grass can be lovely and healthy for years to come.

One of the most important things you can do to keep your Zoysia grass healthy, green, and growing well is aerating your lawn regularly. Aerating allows oxygen to get into the soil under your lawn and helps it to absorb nutrients better as well as helping water soak into the soil more easily.

To aerate your Zoysia grass you will need either an aerator attachment from a local home improvement or equipment store or a pair of spiked shoes which you will also be able to purchase at most hardware stores.

While you can use both types of equipment on Zoysia grass, some homeowners prefer spiked shoes because they are more portable than an aerator attachment which needs a power source like a riding mower or tractor. Because of this many homeowners opt for spike shoes when they have smaller yards that they would prefer to aerate by hand rather than using an electric mower or tractor with an aerator attachment on it instead.

The difference between these two tools is slight and comes down mostly to personal preference but both will help keep your yard’s soil healthy so that your Zoysia grass can grow as well as possible!

Zoysia grass is a warm-season turf grass

is a warm-season turfgrass that has many desirable characteristics. Its fine bladed soft texture and deep green color make it highly desirable for lawns, parks and golf courses. Zoysia grass is more shade tolerant than other warm-season grasses, tolerating as much as 70 percent shade. It also can handle some traffic and drought conditions. Because of its shallow root system, however, it is important to aerate Zoysia grass to prevent soil compaction.

“Sounds kind of like your lawn,” you say. Well, if you want a lush lawn that looks great all year long, it’s important to periodically expose the root zone in order to allow air flow and water penetration through the soil. This aeration also helps prevent soil compaction from overuse—something that can make the lawn look dull and unhealthy when you’ve mowed too often or overfertilized (check out this article by Dr. Talmadge Eberts on proper fertilizer use).

You may have noticed that summertime temperatures reach well into the 90s in Arizona during the hotter months (June through August), which can take a toll on your Zoysia grass’s health. And lastly, Zoysia grass doesn’t grow as fast as other turfgrasses; therefore you need to aerate at least every few weeks throughout the growing season—even more often if there are hard freezes in your area—to maintain an attractive display of blooms throughout the spring and summer months.”

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