Zoysia grass: Overseeding a Thin Lawn

Zoysia grass is a warm-season grass, which means it will grow best in well-drained soils. Zoysia grass is an excellent turfgrass for the home lawn because it is a low-maintenance grass and will grow in areas where other grasses have difficulty growing. Zoysia grows well in warm temperatures and requires less mowing than other warm-season grasses. Zoysia is a slow […]

How to Plant & Grow a Zoysia Grass Lawn

Know Your Sunlight Zoysia grass can tolerate partial shade, but it will grow slower and require more water. One of the best ways to tell if your yard receives enough sunlight is to observe it during different times of day. If any area of your lawn doesn’t receive at least six hours of direct sunlight every day, it may not […]

How to Grow Zoysia From Seed

Collect the seed pods from a Zoysia lawn. You should collect the seed pods from a Zoysia lawn in late summer or early fall before they have opened. The pods should be brown or tan, and have started to split open or curl. Also, the pods should feel full and dry. We recommend you don’t cut the grass for several […]

Zoysia grass: Patching Bare Spots

If the soil is too high, remove enough grass and soil to reduce the build up. Oops! Click Regenerate Content below to try generating this section again. Purchase and plant three or four individual plugs of sod. Purchase and plant three or four individual plugs of sod. Sod plugs can be purchased at your local nursery or garden center. Each […]

Zoysia grass Cultivation

Cultivation Zoysia grass can be grown from seed or sod. The seeds are slow to germinate, so it is better to grow zoysia grass from sod. Sod can be purchased from a local garden center and should be planted in the spring or fall. Adapted species Zoysia species are found in Asia, Australia and various islands of the Pacific and […]