Maintaining Your Zoysia Grass Lawn


It is a good idea to mow frequently—at least once per week. The taller the grass, the deeper you should cut it and the more often you should mow. In general, try to maintain a height of 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 cm). Scalping grass will expose the crowns and create an opportunity for diseases and insects to attack your lawn.

Mowing early in the morning is preferable as this allows time for cuttings to dry out before nightfall. If you can’t mow in the morning, avoid mowing during midday when it’s hottest outside or late afternoon when dew falls.

A high blade setting is best suited for hot summer months while lower blade settings are better during spring and fall when weather conditions are more mild [1]. Finally, try not to cut off more than one-third of grass blades at any given time [2].

If possible, change your mowing pattern each time you take care of your lawn so that wheel tracks don’t develop over time. Patterned wheel tracks make your lawn look unsightly and give weeds an opportunity to grow in these areas where soil compaction weakens turfgrass roots [4].


To keep your zoysia grass lawn looking its best, you’ll need to pay close attention to irrigation. Zoysia grass is drought tolerant, but not so much that it will survive without water for months on end. It is important to know how much water your particular region receives naturally through rainfall and then provide any additional water that is required.

You can test the soil by digging a small hole and checking how moist the soil is at least four inches down. If it feels dry or crumbly, you may want to provide some supplemental water using a sprinkler system or rain barrel.

Watering your lawn in the heat of the day produces rapid evaporation, reducing the amount of moisture available for your lawn’s roots. Watering in the evening keeps your lawn wet throughout the night, which increases susceptibility to fungus and bacteria growth as well as disease infection. Water in early morning instead when winds are low and temperatures are still cool enough to minimize evaporation losses before warm sunsets in late afternoon encourage fungal growths like leaf spot caused by Curvularia spp., or large patch caused by Rhizoctonia solanii. Try setting up an automatic timer or an irrigation controller such as WeatherTrak that adjusts watering schedules based on daily weather reports from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites providing local forecasts

Nutrient Management

You should apply the fertilizer in early spring, just as the grass begins to grow. Follow the directions on the product label for application rates, which are provided according to square footage of lawn. Apply a slow-release fertilizer, and water it well into the soil after application. If you see your zoysia turning yellow-green during summer months, you can apply an additional 0.5 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet using a quick-release liquid formulation when rainfall is expected within 48 hours.

Core Aeration

Core aeration is a process in which cores of soil are pulled from the lawn. This can be done with a machine that removes the cores or by poking holes through the soil with a garden fork or chisel. The latter method is obviously much slower and more labor-intensive, but it will get the job done just as well.

Aerating your lawn has several benefits. It allows air, water and nutrients to reach the roots of your grass plants, which improves overall health. In addition, it alleviates compaction caused by walking on the grass or playing on it during summer months. It also allows more room for new seedlings to germinate after overseeding in fall. Aerating is important because healthy roots produce healthier grass blades, which lead to a lusher green color year round and better resistance to winter dormancy and summer stress periods.

Weed Control

Effective weed control is the most important aspect of maintaining a healthy lawn. Weed control can be achieved by physically removing the weeds or by using herbicides.

The following methods can be used to physically remove weeds:




Maintaining your Zoysia lawn is essential.

If you love your Zoysia grass, keeping it looking just right is a must. And maintaining it is quite an art form. Not only does it require regular care, but also special knowledge of how often to mow, how much to water and when to fertilize. Also, proper aeration will keep the grass looking good for longer periods of time. Here are some tips to help you maintain your lawn:

  • Mowing: To get the best results from Zoysia lawns, you need to know when to mow at the correct height as well as how often and at what height. The correct height varies depending on the type of Zoysia grass you have and where in the lawn area you are. Generally speaking, however, if you like your lawn there should be no more than 1″ between each leaf node (pin-like structures that look like stalks sticking out from each leaf). We recommend that once per week whenever possible, however this frequency can vary depending on other factors such as weather conditions etc., so always check with us first if in doubt!
  • Watering: As mentioned before, water thoroughly and evenly every day after rain or during prolonged dry spells; we recommend watering twice a day if needed. Always try not to over water though – remember that roots are delicate and don’t like soggy soil! Additionally – be careful not to overwater which could lead to root rot! Remember that poor drainage in lawn areas can cause some confusion for homeowners about when and where their plants need extra water!
  • Fertilizing: Fertilize regularly throughout spring/summer and just once a month during autumn/winter with a complete fertilizer tailored specifically for Zoysia grasses; apply exactly according any instructions provided by the manufacturer (don’t use anything other than the recommended brand!). Don’t over fertilize however – remember that excess nutrients can encourage algae growth which is bad for your Zoysia grass turf too

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