What are the advantages of zoysia grass?

Drought tolerance

Because of its extensive root system, Zoysia grass can go dormant during times of drought and recover relatively quickly. The longer the roots are, the more moisture they can store.

It’s important to know that how long it takes for Zoysia to recover from drought, depends on its maturity. When it’s first planted, you’ll want to monitor it closely so that it doesn’t die while establishing itself in your lawn. As long as you water consistently at first, and don’t let it dry out completely, you will have no problem with this step.

Once established (typically two years), Zoysia can survive without water for 3-4 weeks or longer depending on how hot and dry the conditions are. Once the weather changes or you start watering again (recommend 1-2 minutes per zone), your grass will green up within a week or so!


When it comes to thickness, zoysia grass reigns supreme. The vertical blades of its thick grass stand up straight, giving your lawn a lush and dense look. Zoysia also grows very slowly and can spread by both above-ground runners (stolons) and underground runners (rhizomes). This means that the turf requires less mowing and can fill in bare spots faster than other types of turf grasses.

If you’re looking for a fine-textured turf with a dense growth habit that requires less mowing, then zoysia may be right for you!

Weed resistance

  • Zoysia grass does not leave much room for weeds to grow.
  • Zoysia spreads by rhizomes and stolons, which allows it to form a dense turf.
  • This dense turf crowds out weeds.
  • It restricts sunlight from reaching the soil, preventing weed seeds from germinating.
  • It also produces chemicals that suppress or slow the growth of weeds.
  • Its deep root system makes it hard for weeds to get a foothold and compete with its growth.

Shade tolerance

Zoysia grass is more shade tolerant than other warm season grasses, such as Bermuda. On the other hand, it’s less shade tolerant than cool season fescue. If you’re trying to grow Zoysia in shady conditions, you should mow it more frequently to keep it healthy.

Slow growth rate

Zoysia grass has a slow growth rate, which means that you will spend much less time mowing your lawn, and also less time maintaining it. A slow-growing lawn is a healthier lawn because it spends more of its energy on root development than on leaf production. By growing more roots and fewer leaves, the zoysia holds water in the soil better. You will not have to water as much with a zoysia lawn as you do with other types of grasses. The slow growth rate also means that weeds are easier to control because they can’t sneak through between mowings. In fact, the thick mat of roots helps keep out crabgrass and other weeds altogether by preventing them from getting started in the first place!

Wear and tear resistance

Many homeowners are unaware that they can use zoysia grass in high traffic areas, but it’s an excellent choice. Zoysia is a durable plant that can withstand the wear and tear of pets and children playing on the lawn. It’s even known to bounce back after being trampled by livestock or other large animals!

Zoysia grass has a lot of advantages, but there are also some situations where it’s not the best choice.

Zoysia grass is a great choice if your lawn needs minimal maintenance, but it may not be the best choice if you want a weed-free lawn. Some people prefer zoysia grass because it’s more durable and can tolerate higher temperatures and salinity than other grass types.

If you live in an urban or suburban area where there are lots of people walking around and foot traffic is high, zoysia grass may be the ideal choice for your lawn as well. However, if you live in an area where there are lots of trees or large plants that require constant water, then zoysia grass may not be the right choice for you. If this is the case, you should consider using another type of turf instead such as Kentucky bluegrass or perennial ryegrass which have much more tolerance to wet conditions than zoysias do.

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